
My Trip to the Zoo

by Bindushri (age 10) | Partner Organization: Dream a Dream

Dream A Dream is a professional, registered, charitable trust. They empower over 12,000 young people, referred from 17 NGO partners, through life skills-based programmes. Empowering young people from vulnerable backgrounds by developing life skills and at the same time sensitising the community through active volunteering leading to a non-discriminatory society where unique differences are appreciated.

Once upon a time, I went to the zoo. There I saw different kinds of butterflies. They are very nice and I saw the snakes. Also, they are very nice. I saw a snake that had two heads. That snake gets 15 days on the right side and 15 days on the left side. And I saw a tortoise that is very nice. That tortoise was small and there was one that was big. And I saw an ostrich. That ostrich is very big and high also. I saw that and I enjoyed it. And I like to go to the zoo.

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