
End of a Tunnel

by Lillian (age 12) | Partner Organization: Ronald McDonald House of Tampa Bay

Lillian has described her medical journey. She starts with how bullied she felt by kids in school and how her friend Dorita helped her. Her mom wanted to help her, so they came from the Caribbean to Florida for surgery. Now, almost a year later she is starting to see the end of the tunnel and is excited to go home and walk on her own 2 feet!

5 Songs for this Story

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0% of $250 goal reached
Notes from the Songwriter
Hanna Hilden Nashville, TN

Dear Lillian, You are a fighter. You are a warrior. You are you-- congrats on always looking for the end of the tunnel; you will continue to inspire others with this hope. Never lose it! Warm regards, Hanna

0% of $100 goal reached
Notes from the Songwriter
Julia Gomez

Dear Lillian, I grew so inspired by your story. I hope it has been so amazing growing and discovering new things about your healthy and healing legs! I cant imagine how exciting and special this must all be. I was born and raised in Tampa Bay - what a small world! This song is for you, enjoy :)


End of a Tunnel

by WILD | 94 Plays
26% of $500 goal reached
Notes from the Songwriter
WILD Los Angeles, CA

Be sure to contribute to my SMAS Jukebox!


End of a Tunnel

by Daniel Rey | 15 Plays
0% of $250 goal reached
Notes from the Songwriter
Daniel Rey Chicago/Milwaukee/Liberty

Be sure to contribute to my SMAS Jukebox!
