
Journey by Night

by Pavithra (age 13) | Partner Organization: Dream a Dream

Dream A Dream is a professional, registered, charitable trust. They empower over 12,000 young people, referred from 17 NGO partners, through life skills-based programmes. Empowering young people from vulnerable backgrounds by developing life skills and at the same time sensitising the community through active volunteering leading to a non-discriminatory society where unique differences are appreciated.

There was a forest. In that forest there was a small village. In that village, there was a brave king named Bahadhur. He was a famous king in the village. Suddenly, he died. His family became poor. The sons and his wife. One son was named Ravi and another son was Rahul and his wife was Parathi. One day Ravi was very sick. Rahul put his brother on his shoulder and he went to the hospital in the forest. The forest was dangerous and they crossed two rivers. Rahul was praying to God that Ravi would get better. Rahul was very scared while he was walking in the forest and crossed the rivers. Suddenly, a lion came in front of the boys. The boy was praying to God that the lion would not harm the boys. An elephant appeared and the boys jumped on it and crossed the second river and made it to the hospital. The forest and the village then gave a title to Rahul that he was Rahul the Brave

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Notes from the Songwriter
Nathan Debrine United States

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Notes from the Songwriter
bill neyland new orleans

Wonderful story about love,faith and beauty...
