
Super Blake and His Super Pets!

by Blake (age 11) | Partner Organization: The Sing Me a Story Foundation

Our story comes from 11-year-old Blake who was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma in January of 2023. During Blake's cancer journey, he completed all of his surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy treatments at the University of Iowa Health Care Stead Family Children's Hospital. Blake has been involved in fundraising for pediatric brain tumor research since fall of 2023 and he has raised over $20,000 for pediatric brain cancer research. He remains passionate about helping other children who are also battling cancer.

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Blake Bonta. During the day, he was regular Blake, but when bad guys were around, he turned into Super B, a superhero with super strength and invisibility powers! Our story begins at the Blake Cave, Blake’s super-secret hideout located in the Bahamas underneath a volcano, where Blake spends most of his time. Blake was relaxing and playing NBA 2k with his sidekick, Yeti. On Blake’s lap was his other sidekick, Poppy, a wiener dog. Running around and doing dog things was his third sidekick, Lou, a mini Doberman who worked as Blake’s butler. When working as a butler, Lou would wear a purple suit with purple bows on her ears. Duh duh duh duhhh! Suddenly, Blake’s superhero watch went off, notifying him of a crime! Blake stood up and said his magic words, “Let’s go, guys!” Blake pressed his hands onto his chest, and he transformed into Super B! His super suit was yellow and tactical. At the same time, Yeti and Poppy also transformed. Yeti became Super Yeti with a light blue tactical super suit. Poppy became Super Poppy with a pink super suit with yellow stripes and a cape. Super Blake had super strength and invisibility powers. Super Yeti had the power of flight and a super powerful fist. When Super Poppy stuck her tongue out at bad guys, they fainted from cuteness. Finally, Lou was usually a butler. However, when they needed her, she could transform into Super Lou, where she wore a purple super suit and had super speed, super jumps, and super bites.
The team of superheroes loaded into Super B’s blue plane-a-copter, a half-helicopter/half-plane. Lou was driving and following their military-grade map, which had a GPS that would take them directly to the bad guys. They arrived at their destination, and the team got ready for action. Super B picked up Poppy in his arms and jumped out of the plane-a-copter. He used his rocket boosters to land safely on the ground. They landed in a dark alleyway in New York City! That plane-a-copter could take them anywhere! Instead of jumping out of the plane-a-copter, Super Yeti flew to a nearby roof to keep watch from above. It was nighttime, and Super B looked around. Suddenly, he spotted the bad guys! There were five goons with baseball bats who were beating up an innocent lady named Ava because they wanted her money. “Those are Vladimir’s goons!” Super B said to his team. Vladimir was Super B’s nemesis—a bald man with scars and a silver super suit he made himself. When not wreaking havoc, Vladimir hid in a special garage surrounded by lasers.
“Run, Ava!” Super B called to the innocent lady. “Get ’em, Poppy!” Super B yelled, pointing to the goons in masks. Super Poppy ran and bit the goons’ legs, knocking them down. In the meantime, Super B broke their baseball bats in half and threw them against the wall. Super Yeti kept a lookout from the roof using his binoculars. Then, Super Poppy stuck out her super cute tongue to make the goons faint. When they passed out, Super B rushed to put handcuffs on them. He then called the police, who picked up the goons and took them to jail. Ava rushed over. “Thank you! How can I ever repay you?” she exclaimed. “You don’t have to! Just give Poppy some pets,” Super B responded, smiling. Ava reached down and scratched Poppy’s belly. “Thanks again!” Ava said, hugging Super B. “See you around, Super B!” Super B, Super Poppy, and Super Yeti all got back into the plane-a-copter, and Lou flew them back to the Blake Cave. They decided to go to the grassy area and play fetch for a while.
Duh duh duh duhhh! They were playing and having fun when Super B’s watch went off again! The message read: “Urgent: You have to refill the popcorn machine.” “Lou!” Blake yelled. “We need more popcorn!” Lou quickly brought a bag of special popcorn kernels and filled up the machine. They turned on the machine to make a new batch. Duh duh duh duhhh! Suddenly, Blake got another notification on his watch. “There is a robbery! Vladimir is there,” Blake read aloud. “Uh oh, we need to go, you guys!” Blake said. “First, we need to replenish our strength. Everyone, get your snacks!” Blake and his super team needed to eat special snacks in order to replenish their powers and be extra strong. Blake ate gummy bears, Yeti ate cookies, Poppy ate popcorn, and Lou ate chips. After snack time and putting on their super suits, the team hopped into Super B’s green boat/car. Lou was again at the wheel, following the GPS directly to where the robbery was taking place. Lou parked the boat/car at the Miami Bank. Outside, they heard screams and loud booms. Super B looked out the window of the boat/car and saw papers flying around everywhere. Standing at the entrance of the bank were two of Vladimir’s big guards. They wore big armor and big helmets.
“Super Yeti, will you fly onto the roof and help get us inside the bank?” Super B asked. “On it!” Super Yeti said, jumping out of the boat/car and flying onto the roof of the bank. Using his super powerful fist, Yeti punched a hole in the roof. “Come on, everyone!” he called to his fellow superheroes. Super B and Super Poppy joined Super Yeti at the top of the bank and jumped through the hole Super Yeti had made. When they landed, they realized they were surrounded by more of Vladimir’s guards. Super B could see that Vladimir had broken into the safe because the door was hanging wide open. Inside, he could see a pile of Golden Skittles! Golden Skittles are really valuable. “There are too many guards,” Super B said. “We need to call Super Lou!” Using his watch, Super B called Super Lou to come from the boat/car. When she arrived, Super B said, “Lou, you get Vladimir! Yeti, Poppy, and I will get the guards!” Super Lou nodded and got to work. She used her super running powers to get close to Vladimir before super jumping all the way up to his ear and super biting him! Vladimir fell to the ground! Then, Super Lou grabbed all of the Golden Skittles.
Meanwhile, Super B, Super Yeti, and Super Poppy got all of the other guards. Super B used his super punch and invisibility to mess with them. Finally, they loaded Vladimir and the Golden Skittles into the boat/car and headed back to the Blake Cave. Super B threw Vladimir into the dungeon. Vladimir stayed in Super B’s dungeon for 10 years. During those 10 years, Super B and his friends fed Vladimir only vegetables and water so he could learn better values. He actually had his own water fountain within his cell. After 10 years, Vladimir changed his ways and turned into a nice guy. He changed his name to John and got a job working at Blake’s mom’s dance studio. While he was working at the dance studio, he decided to start taking hip-hop lessons. It turned out, John (aka Vladimir) was a really good dancer! He went on to be the lead in all the hip-hop dances. John was so good that Blake’s mom’s dance studio got bigger and bigger until it was the #1 dance studio in the whole world! During that time, Super B and his team went on to continue to save the day one crime at a time. They even joined in on some dance competitions with John to help him win! The End

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