Partner Organizations

Cure SMA

Elk Grove Village, IL | View Website

Cure SMA leads the way to a world without spinal muscular atrophy, the number one genetic cause of death for infants. We fund and direct comprehensive research that drives breakthroughs in treatment and care, and we provide families the support they need for today.

7 Stories

The Adventures of Elliott and Kaden

by Elliott (age 7 ) | from Cure SMA

2 Songs

Amaising Maisie

by Maisie & Savanna (age 2 & 13) | from Cure SMA

2 Songs

The Jungle Trouble

by Hunter & Gracyn (age 8 & 2.5) | from Cure SMA

1 Song

Lincoln With His Power Hair In The Power Chair

by Lincoln and Mae (age 2 and 15) | from Cure SMA

1 Song

Matteo's Beach Day

by Matteo (age 4) | from Cure SMA

3 Songs

Bea's Wiggly Tooth

by Jackson (age 6) | from Cure SMA

2 Songs

The Special Princess

by Tenley and Karter (age 5 and 7) | from Cure SMA

1 Song