
Ari's Story

by Ari (age 6) | Partner Organization: Uplift Center for Grieving Children


Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Ari. Ari had a baby doll that she took everywhere with her.
One day, Ari and Baby Doll decided to take a trip to the beach.
When they arrived, the first thing they did was jump into the water and start swimming. After splashing around for a while, Ari noticed ten black dots on the shore. They were kittens!
Ari jumped out of the water and approached the kittens. The kittens were eating fish on the beach. Ari played with the kittens, who were very fluffy!
Ari and Baby Doll decided they wanted to go to the park next. The ten kittens followed Ari all the way to the park. When Ari got to the park, she played on the slide.
Baby Doll and the kittens climbed the monkey bars, and the kittens meowed the whole time!
After playing, Ari felt hungry, so she decided to find some food to eat. Ari found a special chip restaurant where they served all different kinds of chips.
Ari ordered Doritos, Baby Doll ordered Takis, and the kittens ordered more fish.
With their tummies full, Ari and Baby Doll decided it was time to go home. She brought all of the kittens with her, promising to take good care of them. The kittens loved living with Ari. Ari would walk them in her baby doll stroller,
let them sleep in her bed at night, and even let them do the kitty dance on Saturdays!
And so, Ari, Baby Doll, and the kittens lived happily ever after.

2 Songs for this Story

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Ari's Kittens

by Mick Fury | 3 Plays
0% of $100 goal reached
Notes from the Songwriter
Mick Fury Nashville, TN

Be sure to contribute to my SMAS Jukebox!

0% of $500 goal reached
Notes from the Songwriter
Joel Reuben Pauley

Inspired by the beautiful story I read, I wrote this song. Hope it brings joy! I loved writing this. Lyrics: Once upon a time 5 years old and three feet tall A girl named Ari had herself Her very own baby doll They played and played and played In the rain or in the snow And Ari took good care of her Anywhere she’d go On a Monday by the beach sat three kittens in a box All it took was “mama please with a cherry on top” And they all went down to the playground To McDonald’s and then the mall Ari never went anywhere without a kitten and a baby doll A kitten and a baby doll Now Ari’s 25 And she don’t play with toys no more But she still drives around the town With a reason to explore And Ari’s got a baby in the backseat Santa Claus waiting at the mall And just like mama Ari’s daughter’s Doesn’t go nowhere without The same old cats that Ari had And holdin’ onto mama’s old baby doll
