Jamya, your feelings inspired a great song from Sammy Brue. Know that It's ok to be lonely. It makes one more grateful when you are with people you love. Equally so, I myself have learned to embrace being alone and use it to see the beauty in life and
Patrick 12/10/2016
This is lit
Kimberly Buie 11/01/2016
Jamya, your feelings inspired a great song from Sammy Brue. Know that It's ok to be lonely. It makes one more grateful when you are with people you love. Equally so, I myself have learned to embrace being alone and use it to see the beauty in life and
Friend of Sammy & Jamya 10/02/2016
Bless yore hart !
Patrick 10/01/2016
Proud to support this. Look for a package soon.