
Paul & the Animal City

by Paul (age 6) | Partner Organization: The Chicago House

2 Songs for this Story

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0% of $250 goal reached
Notes from the Songwriter
Lainey Gonzales

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0% of $500 goal reached
Notes from the Songwriter
Charlee Remitz Los Angeles

Hi Paul! I love your story. I love the details. I love that these aren't just cookies, they're strawberry milkshake-flavored cookies. And I love that you built a little community of animals that can get anything done with a dance. I just know, with heart and positivity and a lot of dancing, there isn't much we can't beat. Wishing you all the best, Charlee Remitz P.S. While I was recording this song for you, there were two cat siblings—Luke and Leia—watching at my feet. I think they’d give anything to visit your animal city and eat strawberry milkshake-flavored cookies.
