
The Adventures of Guac and Cheese

by Acheley (age 13) | Partner Organization: Make-A-Wish® East Tennessee

Our story begins in a small condo in Knoxville, Tennesee. Guac, an avocado squishmallow, and Cheese, a giraffe squishmallow, live there together with their blue dog squishmallow named Fluffy.
One day, Guac is craving something in particular. “I really want some sushi,” He says to Cheese. “Do you want to go to Japan with me to get sushi for dinner?” “Sure!” Cheese says, “That sounds fun!”
The two friends begin packing their bags for their journey. Fluffy watched them and realized they did not plan to bring him along! He decided to take matters into his own paws. When Guac wasn’t looking, Fluffy jumped into his suitcase and burrowed inside of a sock. Guac and Cheese had no idea they had a stowaway when they zipped up their suitcases and headed to the airport.
They arrived at the airport and boarded their plane with ease. The trip was smooth sailing; before they knew it, they landed in Japan!
Guac and Cheese hopped in a taxi with their luggage and checked into the hotel they would be staying at. After checking into their room and dropping off their bags, Guac took out his phone. “Look, Cheese!” Guac says, showing the screen of his phone, “There’s a great sushi restaurant right next to us.” “Let’s go!” Cheese said. The two friends left the hotel room and headed to the restaurant to get the long-awaited sushi.
They arrived at the restaurant, sat, and opened their menus. The waiter came, and Guac ordered first. “I’ll have the California roll, please.” “I’ll have the dumplings, please!” Cheese said. “Of course,” the waiter said, “I’ll take your order to our chef, Tim, and be right back.” Guac and Cheese waited patiently in their seats. Suddenly, they saw the sushi chef exit the kitchen and approach their table. “I am not making a California roll or dumplings.” Tim, the sushi chef, said. “ We came here for sushi, and we want sushi!” Guac replied angrily. Tim, the sushi chef, shook his head and refused to make their order. “That’s it!” Guac said, standing up. “We’re going to trash this restaurant.”
Guac and Cheese threw a chair on the grill and a chair out the window. They poured soy sauce on the other customers and even started a grease fire in the kitchen (that one was an accident)! Tim, the sushi chef, watched in horror at the damage Guac and Cheese had caused. He headed back into the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife. “Get out of here!” Tim yelled, chasing Guac and Cheese out of the restaurant and into the streets of Japan. “Ah!” Gauc and Cheese yelled, racing away. Tim, the sushi chef, followed them through the streets, waving his butcher knife in the air.
Guac and Cheese ran as fast as they could, glancing back at Tim to see how close he was to catching them. Suddenly, they bumped straight into a police officer patrolling the streets! “Stop!” The police officer said, grabbing Guac and Cheese and holding them still. “What is going on?” Just then, Tim caught up with the group, out of breath. “These two hooligans trashed my sushi restaurant! They threw chairs, poured soy sauce on my customers, and even started a grease fire!”
“That is unacceptable.” The police officer said, “You two are under arrest.” He handcuffed Guac and Cheese and took them to jail.
Back in the hotel room, Fluffy wiggled out of the sock he was in and broke out of Guac’s suitcase. He looked around the room and yawned. “That was a long trip,” he said to himself, “I think I’d like to watch some TV and chill.” He jumped up on the bed and turned on the TV. The TV automatically started playing the local news station. To his surprise, Fluffy saw Guac and Cheese being put into a police car and taken to jail. Fluffy’s jaw dropped. “Oh no!” He said. “I have to go save them!”
Fluffy left the hotel room and started going to the jail. Along the way, he passed a construction sight with a machine with a wrecking ball. Fluffy had an idea! He walked over to the machine and peeked inside. There weren’t any construction workers around, but the key was in the ignition. He sat inside the machine, pulled out the manual, and read for a few minutes. Then, he started up the engine and drove recklessly to the jail. When he arrived at the jail, he began to use the wrecking ball to knock down walls. He had to knock down more than one to find the cell Guac and Cheese were in.
“Fluffy!” Cheese yelled in surprise when he saw him. “How did you get here? And how do you know how to use a wrecking ball?” “I snuck into Guac’s suitcase!” Fluffy said, wagging his tail. “And I read the manual!”
“Good boy, Fluffy!” Guac said, patting Fluffy’s head as he climbed into the machine with Cheese. “Let’s go back to that sushi restaurant. We need to talk to Tim.” Fluffy drove the machine back to the sushi restaurant, and the group of friends went inside. Guac and Cheese walked right up to Tim, the sushi chef.
“Why wouldn’t you make us the food we ordered?” Guac asked. Tim looked sad when he responded, “I’m sick of making the same food every day.” He said. Guac and Cheese looked at each other. “Why don’t you try this instead?” Cheese said, handing Tim a cheeseburger with extra pickles. Tim took the cheeseburger and took a big bite. “Yum! This is so good. You have to teach me how to make it!”
Guac, Cheese, and Fluffy head back to the kitchen with Tim. Together, they tried to figure out the perfect cheeseburger recipe. They failed a couple of times before creating the perfect burger! After that, they taught Tim a few more recipes. They showed him how to make spaghetti and meatballs, french fries, steak, and cake!
Just then, the manager of the sushi restaurant walked into the kitchen. “What is all of this?” He demanded. “You should make making the sushi that is on the menu! You are fired, Tim!” The manager yelled. Tim was so sad. He hung up this apron and left the restaurant. Guac, Cheese, and Fluffy felt terrible. It was their idea to have Tim try new recipes. “Mr. Manager,” Guac said, “If we can do Tim’s job for one whole day without messing up, then you have to give him his job back!” The manager agreed and allowed the three of them to work together for the day. Unfortunately, Guac, Cheese, and Fluffy made a few mistakes. They messed up some orders and even spilled some drinks. Defeated, they hung up their aprons and headed towards the door to leave.
The manager stood at the front and watched the group of friends get ready to leave. Even though they didn’t do a perfect job, the manager saw how brave they were and how bad they felt about Tim losing his job. The manager noticed a cheeseburger sitting out and took a big bite. “Oh my! This is so good!” The manager said in Japanese. Just as Guac, Cheese, and Fluffy were three steps away from the front door, the manager yelled, “Wait!” The three friends turned around, “I’ll give Tim, the sushi chef, his job back if you teach everyone here your recipes. They are so good!” Guac, Cheese, and Fluffy happily agreed. Tim came back, and together, they taught everyone the recipes. Finally, it’s about time for them to head back to Tennessee.
“Goodbye, Tim. Thanks for a great time in Japan!” Guac says, hugging Tim. “We promise to visit every year,” Cheese says. “Woof woof!” Fluffy agrees. “Goodbye! Thanks for all of your help!” Tim says, waving. Guac, Cheese, and Fluffy decided that they had one more thing they wanted to do before leaving Japan. They went to the Samurai, and they each bought a sword. Guac bought a green sword, Cheese bought a yellow one, and Fluffy bought a white and blue one. Afterward, they packed their bags, hopped on the plane, and headed home to Knoxville. Guac, Cheese, and Fluffy went on to live peacefully until their next adventure arrived.

1 Songs for this Story

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Notes from the Songwriter
Tony Menotti Boston, MA

I loved this story and was immediately inspired to write a song for it! Hope you like it and here are the lyrics based on your story. Guac and cheese are craving Japanese Gotta have some sushi tonight Fly to Japan for an epic dinner plan Waiter bring some California rolls He said, not a chance and without a second glance Guac and Cheese threw a chair in the air In a rage nothing in the place was saved Gonna burn the whole kitchen down Guac and Cheese Stopped by a cop, in a cell they were locked But lucky fluffy saw that they were in need Brought down the walls with a stolen wrecking ball Fluffy came to set guac and cheese free They asked the dude why he won’t make their food And he handed them a burger with cheese Oh me oh my, this burger is divine Gotta learn what’s in the recipe Guac and Cheese Tim the chef was cooking up the best but his boss was not so pleased He fired Tim and guac and cheese felt bad so they asked to make a deal instead If they could cook and make the food all day Then he had to hire poor Tim back But then he tried Tim’s burger and surprise He had to know the recipe! Guac and Cheese
