
The Colorful Heart

by Alison (age 13) | Partner Organization: Amistad Mission

Amistad MIssion provides a loving, Christian family to abandoned and abused children, enabling them to become leaders in their community while transforming rural and impoverished Andean communities through water, agricultural, health and education programs.

The colorful heart There was a happy heart that met another heart. With the time, they were very good friends. After a while, the happy heart began to have very envious of her friend who was prettier than her and began to feel hatred and was getting ugly. However, her friend still loved her. The ugly heart did not mind her friend and walked away and sat lonely in a corner and found the love and made it grow until she became pretty and colorful and was happy again. In that way, she recovered her friend.

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Notes from the Songwriter
Christopher Schaffer Chicago IL

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