There once was a quad that was the King of all quads thats because his builder Called him King Quad. This specific Quad is like no other he was part of the LTF clan and was King quad 300th so in his family there had been many kings before him. The current day is March 25h, 2016 and King Quad the 300th Has a very special job, that job is to compete against the FTL clans representative whom is Yamaha the 250th in a dirt track race. The track that they are racing on is the abandoned Dirt Track of 1983 which is in Sandy Valley, NV. The race is going to take place on July 6th, 2016 so that means King Quad 300th has four months to practice and get used to the sand and the track itself. It is now June 22nd, 2016 and King Quad 300th got an injury meanwhile practicing one day. While practicing he noticed he was decreasing in speed so he came back to his shop to check his oil level and as he checked he noticed it was leaking terribly.
chris mckeever 03/04/2023
Love from Beav